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How to maintain kitchen hygiene

Ever popular, the kitchen is often a hive of activity. This also means it is a haven for bacteria. Some areas of our kitchen will naturally come into contact with thousands of germs a day. So how can you keep your new kitchen clean and hygienic? Here at Homematas, we are kitchen experts. As a result, we have produced this guide to maintaining kitchen hygiene.

The kitchen floor

Shoes, socks and feet walk across your kitchen floor many times a day. Shoes can bring with them bacteria and dirt from outside your home, while bare feet may leave skin cells. The regular “bringing in” of bacteria, coupled with the warmth and moisture of the kitchen make your kitchen floor the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. Consequently we recommend:

The Kitchen Worktops

Different types of food can carry different types of bacteria. From salmonella from chicken, to ecoli from lettuce, serious issues can emerge from poor worksurface hygiene. Cracks around the surface can just make this worse. As a result, we recommend the following routines for the various worktops available:

  • Stone – make sure the stone is properly sealed to prevent damage from liquid spills. Use clear water to wash your worktops with, as cleaning products can cause the stone to fade.
  • Laminate – At least once a week, create a mixture of bleach and bicarbonate of soda and wipe all of the work-surfaces. Concentrate on popular areas such as cupboard doors and food preparation areas. This is in addition to wiping your surfaces every day.
  • Solid wood – Any spillages need to be caught quickly with a warm soapy solution. You should wipe this surface every day, especially in high threat areas.

In summary

Kitchen hygiene can keep you and your family healthy. It will also prevent your new kitchen from becoming tired looking and worn. For all your kitchen advice and tips, contact us at Homematas today.