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Making a small kitchen feel larger

When it comes to the kitchen, there is no other room in the home that needs to be just as practical, and just as well designed. And for small kitchens, this is just as important, if not more so. But small kitchens have a significant size disadvantage, so how can you create a kitchen space that feels bigger than it really is? Well, it all comes down to clever design. Here at Homematas, we are Preston’s leading kitchen design professionals, and this is our guide to making a small kitchen feel larger.

What are the options for making a small kitchen feel larger?

So, what kind of design tricks can you use to make your small kitchen feel like a bigger space? Well, there are a number of things you can consider, including:

  • Choose light colours
  • Gloss cabinets
  • Clear worktop space

Choose light colours

To make your kitchen feel bigger, use light coloured cabinets and worktops, as well as light tiles and other features. However, this doesn’t have to mean white, and white only. Blocks of light colours, like pastel blues and greens can also be just as effective at making your kitchen feel more light and airy, and increasing the perception of space.

Gloss cabinets

In small rooms, increasing the amount of light always adds a sense of space. And this can also be done by using glossy cabinets, and glossy wall tiles. This is because, instead of absorbing the light, glossy surfaces will reflect the light back around the room, and make the kitchen feel bigger and brighter.

Clear worktops

Your kitchen will feel even smaller if your worktops are cluttered with pots and pans, cooking books and herbs and fruits. By increasing your storage space, using innovative storage solutions for small spaces, you can ensure that your worktops will be kept clear, and this will make your kitchen feel larger.

For more information or advice, get in touch with the team today, here at Homematas.