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How to Design your Dream Kitchen

Many of us often dream of a perfect kitchen, but when it comes to designing it, we don’t know where to start. At the centre of the home, the family hub, the kitchen is important. Not knowing where to start on your dream kitchen can be a real stumbling block. Thankfully, here at Homematas, we are kitchen (and bathroom) experts. As a result, we have produced this guide, to help you begin to design your dream kitchen.


The best ideas begin with research. Have a look at a variety of different sources including pintrest, e-zines, kitchen designer websites, and even real life magazines. Looking at a range of kitchens can help you establish what you actually want.

In addition, research will give you some idea of new innovations in kitchen storage and efficiency.


The difference between the initial quote and the actual cost can end up being significantly different. Your budget needs to be able to cope with this possible outcome.

Shopping around between different companies can help you establish what the cost should be, and you can then budget accordingly. Also, you should be able to find the best deal by shopping around.

Team work

If you live with your partner or family, rope them in to help. Other people may consider options that hadn’t occurred to you, while your design tastes might not be what they want. This is a key step in helping your dream kitchen turn into a reality.

Be prepared

Before any renovations begin, make sure that you are prepared. The simple practical steps such as emptying cupboards and planning how to prepare food can make a huge difference.

In summary

Designing a dream kitchen takes planning and hard work. However, when you finally achieve what you intended, it will all have been worth it. For kitchen design tips, to top quality kitchen furnishings, contact us at Homematas today.